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Established in 1994 on thirty acres in St. Johns Michigan, the North Central Research Station has grown to over 1400 acres on seventeen farms. Specializing in field testing of a variety of agricultural products, the North Central Research Station offers an array of testing opportunities for agribusiness. Our research agronomists use precision equipment and methods to ensure accuracy of experiments established under a variety of test conditions.

  • Irrigated and dryland.
  • Soil types: loamy sand, sandy loam, loam
  • Crops: corn, soybeans, dry beans, sugarbeets, grain sorghum, sunflowers, winter wheat and other small grains. Also testing in apples (High density ‘Gala’ and ‘Honeycrisp’) and vegetable crops
  • Fertilizer testing is a specialty
  • Crop protection efficacy
  • Seed variety testing

2017-06-17 irr F3
2019-06-03 F5
2019-06-19 F5
IMG 0587
IMG 2692


989.292-4704|Get Directions

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